ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Part 5: The Search Refiner Control Methods Explained

In previous posts I showed you how you to build your own Search Control Refiners. This post will focus on the JavaScript methods that can be used for refinement. There are a couple of them, but when do you need to use which refiner method? I’ll split this post up in sections to describe the actions that can be achieved.

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Part 4: Create a Dropdown Search Refiner Control

In this blog post part of the search refiner control series, I’ll show how to create a dropdown search refiner control. To make it a bit special, I’ve added the functionality of showing the filters that were available before the results were refined. Show image Mockup Note: for this post I start with the file I created in part 2 of this series.

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Part 3: Working with File Types in the Search Refiner Control Template

In the previous posts I explained how to create a new refiner control, but there is one search data type that needs some special attention. The search data type that will be explained in this post is the FileType. In this post I’ll show you the things that are so special about working with filetypes.

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Part 2: Adding Refinement Actions to the Custom Search Refiner Control

In the previous post I explained how to create your first search refiner control template. The template that was created wasn’t that useful, because it missed the refinement actions. In this post I explain how to add these refinement actions to your template and what to do once results are refined.

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Part 1: Create Your First Search Refiner Control Template

In the first part of this blog post series about custom search refiner controls, I’ll describe what is minimal needed to create a clean refiner control display template. This template can later be used as a starter’s template for the creation of other refinement controls. Create a New Search Refiner Control Template The first thing you’ll need to do, is creating a new HTML file in the Master Page Gallery.

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Creating Custom Refiner Control Display Templates for SharePoint 2013

As you may already know and seen, there has been quite a lot of improvements to create or change UI elements from SharePoint 2013, especially UI objects of search. A topic that I wanted to blog about for quite some time now (first time I started this post was in April) will show you how to create your own custom refiner display templates.

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