ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Creating a result block that shows Office Graph suggestions – Part 1

There are already a various blog posts that show the power and value of Office Graph / Delve for your organisation, but not everyone will go to the Delve page to find their results. You also have your SharePoint search center were a lot of your users will go through to find their documents because they are used doing it that ways.

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Date range filter with date picker display template

Some time ago I wrote a blog post series about creating your own search refiners for SharePoint 2013. Note: here you can find the posts - Creating Custom Refiner Control Display Templates for SharePoint 2013. A couple of persons have asked me how they could implement a date picker to the range search refiner control I created in the last post.

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jQuery UI tabbing and accordion display templates

A couple of weeks ago somebody asked me if it was possible to create an accordion template from the grouping display template. Note: here is the original grouping template post - Grouping search results with display templates for the CSWP For these templates I made use of jQuery UI to get the accordion styling on the template.

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Retrieving the list or library name of a search result in display templates

A question was asked a while ago on StackExchange by a person with whom I worked together at one of my clients. He asked if it was possible to get the list or library name via a managed property so that it can be used in a display template. The problem is that there is not a property that has this list name information.

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