ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Three useful managed properties for working with Office Web Apps

When working in Office 365 / SharePoint on-premises you probably already used Office Web Apps (OWA) to create or modify your documents. The power of OWA is also leveraged inside a SharePoint Search Center to show the content of the document inside the hover panel. Show image Document preview This kind of functionality is very helpful for finding the document you are searching for.

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Filtering results on predefined set of values in your display template

For one of my clients I investigated the possibility to include result filtering or refinement into a display template for the Content Search Web Part. The reason to include this filtering functionality into a display template is to make it easier to fit into the corporate design. Another reason is to minimum the amount of display templates that get loaded on your page.

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Adding managed property mappings to your display templates which may not be altered

One of the interesting things about display templates is that you can add managed property mappings that can be managed in the SharePoint UI. This allows users to define which properties they want to use in their templates. Show image Property mappings Now as a display template creator, it could be that you want to be in control so that the end user cannot make changes to certain properties in the UI.

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Adding configurable settings to your display templates

A question that has been asked to me a couple of times is if it would be possible to add some settings to the Content by Search Web Part which can be leveraged inside the display templates. This could be handy when you want to develop display templates for which you want to be able to change the rendering based on the settings that were configured in the web part.

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Adding paging numbers to the control list with paging template

When you are using the Content Search Web Part, you have by default a control template list with paging available. Now this template only shows left and right buttons to navigate to the next or previous page: Show image Default list with paging template These two buttons do not give you very much visual information about paging.

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