ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

#DevHack: Authenticate Azure Web PubSub with Azure Functions

This week, I tested out the Azure Web PubSub service, which is still in preview when writing this article. The Web PubSub service is a real-time messaging service that allows you to use the WebSockets APIs and the publish-subscribe pattern. It is excellent for collaborative applications. Documentation You can find the developer documentation at Azure Web PubSub Service - Github.

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Creating a PWA for your Microsoft Teams app

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are nothing new, but you see more and more websites implementing them. PWA provides you a way to bring your site as an app to your desktop/tablet/mobile. For Squarl, I first thought of creating a mobile app, but at the beginning of a new product. There is a lot to take care of, which made me feel a native mobile app is a right thing?

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#DevHack: Get the shared file info with Microsoft Graph

When you copy and share links from files, it creates a URL from which you cannot determine which file it is. For Squarl, I wanted to find out which file was behind a shared link to show the information about the file. First of all, the shared links look like this:

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Let us go back to the basics. Why I started building Squarl.

Pen and paper, that is all that we needed years ago to start send messages or information from one person to another. This way of communication is still available, as it is effective. People like to go to their mailbox to see if some envelopes are waiting to be opened. At least, that is when we are not expecting bills.

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Deploy your Azure Functions as a package from GitHub Actions

For Squarl, I started to implement a couple of improvements for the back-end running on Azure Functions. I created these functions with TypeScript. In the past, I used webpack and later Azure Funcpack to bundle my functions to one file per function. That way, the host does not have to do all those read actions for retrieving the dependencies.

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Deploy your site to Vercel using GitHub Actions and Releases

One of my favorite hosting companies is Vercel as they can provide simplicity and flexibility at the same time. I wanted to control my site’s deployment process on Vercel entirely for a new product I am building. Usually, when you use Vercel in combination with GitHub. It will automatically trigger new deployments when you push code.

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