ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Make your authentication provider work in GitHub and Gitpod codespaces

In the previous article, I explained how you could ensure your URI handler works in GitHub codespaces and Gitpod. Now it is time to explain more about making an authentication provider that works on GitHub codespaces and Gitpod. The authentication flow In the extension I am working on, we use the OAuth 2.

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#DevHack: using the Visual Studio Code's URI Handler in codespaces

If you are reading this article, you know what a URI handler in Visual Studio Code is, but in case you do not. A URI Handler allows you to create a callback into your extension. Typically this is used in authentication flows to open your browser, fill in your credentials, and get redirected back into Visual Studio Code.

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Migrate from Disqus to GitHub Discussions (giscus)

For years I have been using Disqus on my blog, and for a long time, I have been looking for a good alternative that would fit into the daily tools. Another reason why I wanted to move away from Disqus is because of their tracking and ads. A long time ago, I looked at utterances, a commenting system based on GitHub issues.

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Calling the GitHub GraphQL API from an app

For a migration from Disqus over to GitHub Discussions, I created a script that processes all comments and replies. One thing I noticed is that I quickly reached the rate limit with my personal access token, which prevents me from using GitHub for a while. I decided to use a GitHub App to overcome the issue of locking out my account.

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Finding your old GitHub Codespaces and deleting them

Over the weekend, I received a couple of emails I was running out of GitHub Codespaces storage. My limit is 20GB, but more interesting is that I rarely use codespaces. Show image GitHub Codespaces storage usage The last time I used Codespaces was about a year ago, but I couldn’t remember which repository it was.

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Someone is DDoS-ing my Azure Functions, and here is what you can do

Last week, all of a sudden, my Azure subscription got suspended. As the subscription runs on credits and is optimized to be way below the limit, I was surprised to see that I suddenly reached the spending limit. Usually, the monthly cost for the subscription is around 50-60 EUR. This month, it suddenly got above 150 EUR, but why?

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